Tuesday, May 25, 2010

daddy time

When we arrived back in New York a couple weeks ago, Teddy got his first stomach flu. He woke in the night sicky sicky. Poor baby, vomiting is scary enough when you're an adult...but for a little guy it's terrifying. The following week (last Thursday) I also came down with the bug. It was terrible. I spent the better part of the weekend in bed. Although I hate to miss out on the fun, it provided Ryan and Teddy with lots of father/son time. And what better way to spend that time than fishing?!?

Love those fish hands. (both pairs.)

rod and reel boy.

tangle Teddy?

sweet sunset baby.

daddy's boy.


  1. What a cute little fisherman! I bet he wants to be just like his daddy. Nice photos Kate!

  2. I wish I could've been there to see him try to cast the pole (is that what it's called??)He just looks like he's trying with all his might to cast it into the water. Love it!
