Tuesday, March 9, 2010

troy's antique district

photo via weheartit.com

I've spent the last few days stirring the soup for two sick boys. Theodore was diagnosed with a double ear infection on Friday, thus down and out for the weekend. By Sunday Ryan wasn't feeling well either. Poor Mr. Alcott got much worse in the night, up multiple times sick to his stomach. Needless to say, he didn't make it to work on Monday morning (first sick day in 3 years of marriage) nor did he go in this morning. Other than lingering fatigue, both cuties seem to be slowly mending. Another evening spent cuddled on the couch in our makeshift infirmary should seal the heal.

While the boys napped on Saturday, I slipped out for a bit of fresh air with a quick jaunt across the river into Troy. One's first impression of Troy, New York is an old industrial city on the Hudson River. In all honesty, it looks a little rough. As I crossed the Congress Street bridge from Watervliet, it felt eerily quiet considering its size. However, closer inspection revealed hidden charm through lead-paned windows. I headed straight for the area known as the antique district. You may remember a bit back we had some family photos taken there.

I was only gone 2 hours, but it was such a fascinating trip. Of course, the antiques were wildly enchanting (especially the 18th century Berkshire and Adirondack furniture), but when I arrived back home I mostly gushed to Ryan about the buildings themselves. They were just so very old. Brick buildings with narrow double doorways. Long steep stairwells revealing floor after floor of treasures. Enormous windows allowing the building next door to cast shadows across salvaged porcelain tubs and farmhouse kitchen tables. The sweet, musty smell of ruins being reborn filled each shop. I could have spent days wondering, imagining the families that once inhabited each space, that once inhabited the city itself. A city that has undergone a 50% population drop in the last 100 years.

The next day I got online to check the hours at one of the shops for a follow up trip. As I was googling the district, I discovered this article published by the New York Times a few years ago. Take a peek. So strange to find. My sentiments exactly.

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